Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries - Part 4 (Infopeople Webinar)

Like most of us, who pay even a little attention to recent developments in technology, you're likely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and progress. With so much coming at us so fast, keeping up can be a challenge. Do some technologies deserve more attention than others? As part of the Emerging Tech Trends series, this webinar continues the exploration into emerging technology trends and tipping points, and how these trends are re-shaping library services. Join Laura Solomon as she explores what’s coming down the pike and what it might mean (or not) for libraries. We can't track everything, but we can pick out some patterns in what's happening around us.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

  • Be aware of how some emerging technologies may affect libraries
  • Learn some specific areas of emerging technology that libraries should likely focus their efforts on
  • Be familiar with 3 or more emerging technology trends in 4 different categories 

This webinar will be of interest to: Staff in all types of libraries interested in emerging technology trends and how they might affect libraries and/or their patrons.



Click here for more info and to register.

Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries - Series Information

Webinar 1: Wednesday, December 9, 2016, presented by Laura Solomon
Webinar 2: Tuesday, February 2, 2016, presented by David Lee King
Webinar 3: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 presented by David Lee King
Webinar 4: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 presented by Laura Solomon
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Online - at your computer
Other Webinar

Event Accessibility for Guests with Disabilities

We want to provide what you need to participate!

If you require access services to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.

If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact Gail Hurley at gail.hurley@ct.gov or (860) 704-2223.

You can also see our Library and Accessibility LibGuide for more information.

Registration Eligibility

To register for a DLD workshop or webinar, you must be one of the following:

  • current library staff member
  • undergraduate or graduate library student
  • Friend or Board Member/Trustee*
  • retired or unemployed library staff

Please contact Gail Hurley at gail.hurley@ct.gov or (860) 704-2223 with registration questions.

*Unless otherwise specified that a Friend or Board Member/Trustee is not eligible for a training or workshop.

Note: paid consultants are not eligible to attend DLD workshops or webinars.

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a workshop you have registered for, please remember to cancel at least 3 days in advance so we can give your spot to someone else. You can cancel via the link in your confirmation email, or by contacting Gail Hurley gail.hurley@ct.gov | (860) 704-2222.

Those who miss (without cancelling) 3 events within a 6-month period will be placed on the waiting list when registering for future events. Be sure to sign in when you arrive for any workshop.

Inclement Weather Policy

For all in-person workshops offered by the CT State Library, Division of Library Development:

If the public schools in the town where the workshop is to be held close due to weather, the workshop will be canceled. If the schools have a delay, the workshop will go on as scheduled.

For the most up-to-date information, call us at 860-704-2200.

IMLS logo
Continuing Education workshops and the professional development collection are funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library.